Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Big revisions But I'm Happy

So my story has gone to the dogs (literally).

Premise of the new story.
Cara (16) has taken on a dog-sitting job, and she doesn't take it very seriously. She leaves the pooch with her younger sister, and that is when things go wrong.

Age 16
doesn't like her little sister.
irresponsible, superficial values

Age 10
Loves to hang with her older sister

Max takes off on a comical adventure while Cara and Gabby panic to find him before his owner Jess returns.
He meets his doggy friends, eats weird things.
A spoiled and lazy child learns to appreciate and get along with her older sister when she loses control of a simple dog-sitting job.

Lost and Found

EXT: Neighborhood Street – Early Morning

Gabby runs frantically down the street looking in all directions. She stops at the end of the street out of breath and worried.

(voice over) I’m gonna be in so much trouble.

Outside Residence - Night
The Night Before…

Jess knocks on front door. Door opens.

Here you go.

Jess hands over a small dog.

Jess: All his stuff is in here. (Hands over bag) I’m running a little late already so I have to get going. Tell your sister I said thanks.

Jess hurries to her car

Jess: I’ll be back tomorrow evening!

Cara stands there holding the dog, and looks down at him.

Forgot about you.


Gabby is sitting on her bed, texting and listening to music. There is a knock at her door. She looks up and Cara opens the door.

Who said you can come in my room?

Your friend is here.

Cara tosses the dog’s bag onto Gabby’s lap. The dog rushes into the bedroom and jumps onto the bed next to Gabby.

Hey boy!
She puts down her stuff and starts to play with the dog. Gabby then looks up at Cara with a more serious expression.

You can shut the door.

The door closes.

Living room

Gabby is sitting on the couch watching television and eating junk food. Cara enters with the dog.

I’m not doing this for you!

She puts the dog in Gabby’s lap


He just peed all over my carpet. Walk him! And you haven’t fed him anything either (turns to leave the room). You volunteered, not me!


EXT: Backyard

Gabby sits on the steps at the back door with her head resting in her hands while the dog walks around the yard. She follows him with her eyes.


INT: Kitchen

Dog bowl full of food is set down on the floor.

INT: Bedroom - Early Morning

Dog jumps on Gabby and wakes her up. Gabby looks at him and he looks back eagerly. She picks up the dog’s harness, but seems confused about how it works, and tosses it over her shoulder.

EXT: Residence
Gabby walks out the front door and allows the dog to walk in front of her. They proceed to walk and, shortly after, the dog takes off running at full speed. Gabby starts running after him but can’t keep up.


Within only a few seconds, she loses sight of the dog but continues to run.

INT: Bedroom - Morning

Gabby bursts into her Cara’s room. Cara jumps and looks at Gabby angrily.

What’s your problem?

It’s not my fault. The dog just took off, and I don’t know where he went. I need your help.

You lost the dog? Do you realize that our parents are gonna blame me for this? (sighs) Come here.

Cara moves over to her desk and pulls out a sheet of paper. She draws the surrounding neighborhood streets with a marker. The drawing is hard to make out. She points to one side of the paper.

I’ll check everything on this side. You can check all of the yards over here, and we’ll meet in the middle.

EXT: Residence

The girls proceed to look under and around many objects outside. They call the dog’s name and knock on doors.

EXT: Neighborhood street -Morning

Max is walking happily about. He passes the girls but they don’t see him on the opposite side of the street as they are busy looking in other directions.

INT: Residence (Living Room)- Afternoon
Gabby and Cara walk in through the front door and look at each other.

What are we gonna do?

EXT: Outside Residence
Max turns a corner and sees the girl’s home and proceeds to walk toward it.

INT: Living Room
Cara paces the floor while Gabby sits nervously. Cara stops and turns to Gabby.

Let’s go. It does no good just sitting around.

The both get up and head toward the front door.

Maybe he’ll come back.

He doesn’t even know this neighborhood.

Cara pulls open the front door, and Max is sitting there waiting. He is very dirty. The girls look at each other with a happy sigh of relief.

INT: Bathroom
The girls wash the dog in the bathtub.

Can we keep this a secret?

Never do this again and you’ve got a deal.


INT: Living Room- Evening

Gabby and Cara play with the dog on the floor. The doorbell rings. Cara gets up to open it and Jess is there.

Hey I hope he wasn’t too much trouble.

Here ya go.

Cara hands over the dog’s bag while Gabby puts on his harness. She walks Max over to the door and gives Jess the leash.

No problem at all

I owe you. Thanks

Jess leaves with her dog. From her car, she yells out

Hey do you want to watch him next week?

Gabby’s eyes widen and she enthusiastically opens her mouth, but Cara quickly covers it.
She’s busy that day!
They turn to enter home.

I could’ve done it

(laughs) I just saved yours and that dog’s life.

(Laughs) Thanks, I guess.